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Up Coming Events

Sweat Lodge
Every third Saturday from 3 PM - 8 PM    
Glenwood Queensland 
I have been holding sweat for many years now and each one of them has been different in some way. This ceremony is held once a month (weather permitting) and is one that has been done throughout the world for centuries. The ceremony consists of 4 rounds in which rocks that are placed under fire to heat up are brought inside the lodge in groups of around 15 each time and water is poured over them to create steam, this process begins the healing process on a soul level and is quite powerful.
This journey lasts for up to around 2-3 hours.
Before coming it is advised not to eat the morning and to drink lots of water, loose clothing is required and a towel.
Bring food for yourself to eat afterwards, fruit is always good for rehydrating yourself.
Lodges are held the 3rd Sunday of every month.
If you would like to join in please contact me for more details.
Please check with your doctor if you have medical conditions as you may not be able to join in.
Follow the link for ticket sale:

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