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         Now located in Glenwood Queensland 



Tony Sutcliffe
Energy Alchemist 
Sekhem Seichim Master Teacher
Psychic Medium- Reiki Master Teacher 
Spiritual Healer
Energy Healer 
Past Life Regression
Paranormal Investigation/Removal 

Sweat Lodges 

Welcome to Peaceful Encounters.


Do you struggle with pain that you have been dealing with along time ?

Are you struggling with a lack of confidence ?


Feeling lost and not a part of this world ?


Feeling heavy and tired all the time ?


Then maybe l can help you understand what and where the pain is coming from, and help you reconnect to this world and feel the way you are suppose to feel.


Hi  I love what I do and I get the chance every day to help people grow. As they grow, I grow. I get the opportunity to assist people to find their direction, let go of things they thought they were stuck in or deal with emotions they didn’t think they could. I open my heart so that they can open theirs. It is life-changing



Tony is a Seichim Master/Reiki Master and a Psychic Medium.


His services include:



Tony has a life time of experience and has been running classes for over 10 years. All workshops are held in a relaxing and peaceful environment.


I offer remote healings, readings and spirit removal and energy work Nationally and Internationally.




Sounds of the Forest by Tony  Sutcliffe
Available Nationally and Internationally  

      Located in Glenwood Queensland 

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